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Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee at WIRAS is an integral part of the college's governance structure. Comprising faculty members, administrators, and student representatives, the committee plays a vital role in upholding discipline and ensuring compliance with the college's rules and regulations. It is responsible for addressing disciplinary issues, conducting investigations when necessary, and implementing appropriate measures to maintain a harmonious and conducive learning environment. By promoting accountability and fostering a culture of respect, the committee contributes to the overall well-being and academic success of the college community.

you can download the discipline SOP from dowloads section

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Convener : Mr. Shobik A
(Dept. of Physical Education)


  • Mr. Faris MTP Dept. of Commerce
  • Mr. Purushothaman M. V Dept. of English
  • Ms. Sahala Dept. of Psychology
  • Ms. Lakshmi Dept. of Commerce
  • Ms. Shruthi C.K Dept. of Computer Science
  • Mr. Anand Dept. of Chemistry
  • Ms. Safeena Dept. of Physics
  • Ms. Dhanya K.M Dept. of Hindi
  • Mr. xxxxxx Student Representative 2nd year
  • Mr. xxxxxx Student Representative Final Year
  • Mr. xxxxxx Student Representative PG